routines & trackers


personal growth tools

  • change the color of the calendar block each day to settle in

  • snap a picture of yourself daily. attend to what you wear as it relates to clothing, jewelry, makeup, etc for the purpose of comfort, communication, and glow.

  • short, clear, succinct priority lists by category.

  • a simple bullet point list of a chain of events, things you did, or places gone.

  • this is texting your bff. just imagine someone texted you and said hey whats up how goes it? free write your heart away. if need be, write on paper, take a picture and add it to your page. writing with your hands hits different.

  • you are a creative being. when interesting ideas come to you, or you have intrigue to study or express yourself, keep track of it here.

  • keep track of how often you are out and about. use color coding to track any other kind of event such as beauty appointments etc.

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