s e n s a t i o n

sensation is about feeling. it is about connection to your physicality and your human body. it is about feeling your soul inside of your body. it is about heart to hearts and connecting to other people. when you listen to a song you are connecting to the artists who created it at the moment in time that they recorded it. the world is huge full of anything and everything but at that moment in time you chose to listen to that song created by those people. that is special. and sometimes it isn’t. you feel like you didn’t even hear the song or listen to it at all; couldn’t focus. that’s okay, but that’s why we pay attention and make note when it is

s p e c i a l




feel ♡ breathe ♡ connect ♡

when you go anywhere or do anything in the world, it is likely you have the potential to encounter other humans

how often do you look them in the eye, or look at your phone | how often do you have a ‘ moment ‘ with someone where you really felt on the same page, understood, connected ?

that’s what s e n s a t i o n is about. recognizing that out of the countless amount of possibilities this universe presents us with, you ended up in the place you were with who you were with. if it felt special in any way, its worth recording. if it didn’t feel good, that is valuable information necessary for the task of manifesting one’s own desired reality.

your database is used to host awareness of all experience and acknowledges the difference in quality through the terms pleasant and unpleasant

the scale of intense, high, medium, and low is used to name the level of energy experienced or shifted to

to remember how to feel

listen to the first song of this playlist


and of course anything else your heart desires to allow follow;

p.s. try shuffle mode its magical


c o n n e c t i o n

p r a c t i c e

database magic planners

  • -yoga



  • -things to write down



  • -jaspers



  • -root

    -solar plexus




    -third eye


this connection practice is designed to build self awareness and self regulation

the more you know about yourself, even your micro tendencies, the more power you have to shift what does not serve, and lean into what does with intense gratitude

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