s c e n t

Attending to the sense of smell in a mindful fashion can be a powerful tool for enhancing emotional awareness. The sense of smell is closely connected to our emotions and memories, and by consciously engaging with our sense of smell, we can deepen our understanding and recognition of our emotional states.

focus on your experience with the sense of smell by taking pictures, notes, recordings and truly making it a beautiful; record the experience and any shifts in your database, shift tool, or scent practice journal

practice attending to the sense of smell mindfully to cultivate emotional awareness

create a conducive environment| Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus without distractions. Consider using calming scents, such as essential oils or incense, to create a soothing atmosphere.

ground yourself| Begin by taking a few deep breaths to center yourself and bring your attention to the present moment. Feel the weight of your body on the chair or floor, and let go of any tension or thoughts that may be occupying your mind.

choose a scent| Select a scent that resonates with you or that you find calming and pleasant. It could be a fresh flower, a piece of fruit, a cup of tea, or any other aromatic substance that you enjoy.

engage your senses | Take a moment to observe the object or substance you've chosen. Notice its colors, shapes, and textures. As you do so, bring your attention to your sense of smell. Inhale gently and deeply, allowing the scent to fill your nostrils.

observe without judgment | As you inhale the scent, pay attention to the physical sensations and any emotions or memories that arise. Notice any associations or thoughts that come to mind without judging them as good or bad. Simply observe and acknowledge them.

stay present | If your mind starts to wander, gently guide your attention back to the scent and the present moment. Be patient with yourself and avoid getting caught up in any judgments or narratives that may arise.

reflect on emotions | After engaging with the scent for a while, take a moment to reflect on the emotions it evoked. Notice any changes or shifts in your emotional state. Are there any feelings of calmness, joy, nostalgia, or alertness that you can identify? Take note of these emotions and allow yourself to fully experience them.

practice gratitude | Conclude the practice by expressing gratitude for the experience and the sense of smell itself. Acknowledge the role your sense of smell plays in your daily life and how it contributes to your emotional well-being.

practice attending to the sense of smell mindfully to cultivate emotional awareness